Halloween Through the Years
How is it already the week of Halloween? I'm sure your week is filled with tricks and treats, but here is a fun look at what this spooky holiday has looked like throughout the years! Many traditions have remained the same in the last several decades, but there are still some distinct differences. Check out the history of Halloween!
Halloween was born in Ireland as a religious holiday, to celebrate and communicate with visiting spirits. It began to change when churches attempted to convert people to their faith. The popularity of Halloween celebrations began to flourish in the US when many Irish immigrants moved here to escape the potato famine in 1840. Our tradition of carving pumpkins is actually a variation of an old Irish tradition. They would carve turnips with a frightening face and place a light inside, to scare away the spirit of Jack's wondering soul. Now let's take a closer look at how Halloween has transformed with these most notable changes in each decade.
1920s: A select handful of companies began making manufactured costumes, including some licensed costumes of popular characters. The first haunted house had just been created only 5 years prior and the attraction sparked the idea for people to create their own throughout their homes and basements.
1930s: Fairs and town parties grew in popularity, mostly to keep kids with their families and out of trouble. Halloween had brought with it a wave of pranks including throwing cabbages and stealing lawn items and eventually transformed into rolling people's homes with toilet paper.
1940s: Most common items given to trick or' treaters were popcorn balls, nuts, fruits, and even money. All treats were handmade, and no one batted an eye (that would not fly in today's world).
1950s: The town parties began to shift to home parties, with more exclusivity. Manufactured costume popularity boomed with the lowering of prices and plastic masks were all the rage.
1960s: Trick or Treating is forever changed with the creation of individual pre-wrapped candy, called "fun size"! The Howden pumpkin was discovered and became a staple for carving pumpkins. "The Monster Mash" was released and fake blood made its appearance. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown debuted.
1970s: Trick or Treating is forever changed with the creation of individual pre-wrapped candy! Classic horror movies are born. Halloween, Carrie, The Shinning, The Exorcist, Texas Chain Saw Massacre are just some of the horror movies of the 70s. Knott's Berry Farm decorated for Halloween and hosted themed activities, leading the way to many theme parks to host themed seasonal events.
1980s: A wave of fear grew in the parents of young trick or treaters. A string of poisoning deaths led parents to worry about what was really in their kid's candy. People were so paranoid about drugs or razor blades being hidden in the candy that some towns banned trick or treating completely.
1990s: Trunk or Treat is born! Members of churches gather and decorate their trunks in hopes of a safer environment for families. The Nightmare Before Christmas, Halloween Town, and Hocus Pocus had all the 90s babies spell bound.
Halloween, or All Hallows' Eve, has become a long awaited time of spooky celebration for everyone. While planning all of your festivities do not forget to put together that special little goodie bag for your favorite ghouls and goblins. Head over and grab one of our KardLets® to commemorate one of your favorite Halloween memories. Pair it with treats and prizes that are sure to make this sweet night to remember. Or if you are headed to a Halloween party these make the perfect hostess gifts, they are sure to be a conversation starter.
Happy Haunting!