The Perfect Gift Ideas for Mom
It’s that time of year again! The day where families come together to show their love and support to moms everywhere, Mother’s Day. Are you ready for this upcoming Mother’s Day?
It can be hard to think of what to give your mom for Mother’s Day. After all, how do you get a gift for someone who has done everything to help you since the day you were born? That’s a lot of pressure, but just know that regardless of what you get or do, your mom will be happy you took the time to be with her or send her something.
If you’re struggling to come up with the perfect gift idea for Mother’s Day, look no further.
Create a Family Slideshow
The best types of gifts are the ones that you can look back on and keep forever. By creating a family slideshow, you can use different pictures and videos to create a lasting memory.
Be creative with your video. It should focus on your mom, but don’t forget to include all the things she likes and people she loves - including you and your family! It’s very easy to create a slideshow using any smartphone, tablet, or computer. Simply look up free video editing software on the app store and start picking out pictures you want to use.
In the video make sure to utilize your mom’s favorite colors and themes. Include lots of cool transitions, graphics, and memorable pictures. Once it is all ready for Mother’s Day, you can set it up on the TV for the entire family to enjoy. You can also post it to Facebook to show off your awesome present and how lucky your mom is to have a family like yours.
Mother’s Day Memory Journal
Utilizing a memory journal, you can look back at all the fun times and experiences you and your family have shared with your mother. In this memory journal, you can record all your memories without Facebook or Instagram owning it. Memory journals are a great way to remember the past while also leaving room for future adventures!
If you are giving the memory journal as a gift you either fill out the entries or leave them blank. Try showing off your favorite memories you have of your mom and moments you have shared together by filling in entries that your mom can read on Mother’s Day. You will both be able to relive the moments through your own writing, visuals, and there is even a space for you to insert photographs.
Don’t fill up all the pages though, leave some blank so you can fill them up with new adventures to come another day. You will especially need to leave a blank page to write about how you spent Mother’s Day and how much your mom liked her memory journal gift!
There are three different types of memory journals to pick from. The Memory Journal Plant Series, Outdoor Series, and Retro Series. Each memory journal is 144 pages and printed in the USA.
Cook Your Mom’s Favorite Meal
How often does your mom cook in a week? What about in a day? It’s time to give your mom a break by cooking her all of her favorite foods in honor of Mother’s Day. Fathers, you may need to help younger children with this one!
Start off the day with breakfast in bed. There are plenty of good breakfast options to choose from if your mom doesn’t have a favorite. You could cook up some scrambled eggs, pancakes, and toast with some orange juice to start off Mother’s Day on the right note.
For dinner, it’s time to go all out. After all, Mother’s Day is only once a year but being a mom is a full-time job. Show some of your appreciation by cooking a fancy dinner meal for mom. It could be a luxurious steak, fancy spaghetti meal, or a juicy burger. Just make the meal special for her and your mom will appreciate the work you went through to cook. Don’t forget to clean up the dishes afterward!
Explore the Great Outdoors Together
Get your mom out of the house and into the great outdoors this Mother’s Day. There are plenty of fun things to do outside and leaving the house will provide a new change of scenery and fun memories.
Take your mom to her favorite park and take a hike around it while sharing what you appreciate about her. You could even pack food for a mid-day picnic to make sure your mom doesn’t get too hungry while walking around. If your mom is more of an early bird, get up with her and take her to a good spot to see the sunrise. If she isn’t an early bird, just do the opposite and find a good spot for the sunset!
If you want to stay closer to home, set up your own activities outside. You can host a lawn game tournament, work on the family garden, go for a neighborhood walk, or plan other outdoor activities. After a long winter, it will be nice to be able to get outside and enjoy time with your mom for Mother’s Day.
The Wonder Women KardLet®
Think about someone in your life who is strong, inspirational, and changed your world. Your mom falls into all of those categories, she has worked so hard over the years to help you become the person you are today. What better way to celebrate her strength by gifting her with a Wonder Women KardLet®?
Show off your appreciation by exploring other women who also changed the world and the people around them for the better. The Wonder Women KardLet® is full of fun facts, pictures, and lots of history about the greatest women in history. There is also a greeting page where you can write a message to your mom and include her name among the 20 Divas and Dynamos who changed the 20th century.
If you need to show your appreciation and display how highly you think of your mom, the Wonder Women KardLets® is the way to go. You can enjoy Mother’s Day with the family while traveling through time learning about Amelia Earhart, Ella Fitzgerald, Babe Didrikson, and more.