Collection: Journal Gifts
Did you know that journaling boosts memory and comprehension, as well as improves one's mood, sense of confidence, and stress level? With all these benefits, Memory Road developed Memory Journals and Decade Jot Journals to allow our customers to record their precious memories without all the social media platforms owning them. Memories evoke specific moments of the past that can be personally cherished in the present and the future. These templated journals guide each writer to quickly document their special memories in a unique style that represents them from either the Decade Jot Journals or our outdoor, plant, and retro series Memory Journals. Journals make great gifts for writers or special occasions like graduation, anniversaries, and more.
But what do you write in a journal? That’s the best part about journaling: it’s entirely up to you. Each journal entry can be different depending on your daily mood or any events that occurred on the day. They can be as long or as short as you want, but with 144 pages in each journal, there is plenty of room for you to get out every last thought onto paper.